Fresh off the release of his colossal collaboration collaboration “Feels Like You” with Adventure Club, Codeko makes...
Joining force once again to make their debut on on Lost In Dreams, Adventure Club and Codeko...
Continuing to pump new life into the progressive house genre, the Grammy-nominated Audien has teamed up with...
With their remix of Codeko’s Woke Up being their first formal release, California duo Chochos have set...
Codeko & Austin Mahone are back with the official remix package for their hit, “Say Hi” and...
CODEKO has had quite the year. The talented artist is not only killing the music game but...
After debuting “Say Hi” at University of Arizona with 8 performances in less than 24 hours, CODEKO...
NoMBe labels his music “Electric Soul” and that is pretty much what happens to my soul when...
For the first-time in Electric Zoo history, event organizers have selected the official anthem for this year’s...
It’s almost time for avid electronic dance music fans’ favorite time of year, Miami Music Week, and...