Serving as the powerhouse imprint’s first release of 2023, Ophelia Records has unveiled the sixth installment of...
Wasting no time after teaming up for “Damaged” featuring GLNNA, yetep has returned to Monstercat, reuniting with...
After dominating the airwaves throughout 2020 with an endless barrage of releases, NGHTMRE picks up right where...
The wait is finally over, KLAXX‘s Planetary Warfare EP has arrived and this bad boy was well...
Wasting no time when it comes to making his presence felt throughout the scene as we continue...
After teaming up with Yacht Club. for “Hold Me,” KLAXX welcomes 2020 with an emotionally charged new...
No strangers to the pages of TSS, ARMNHMR, and KLAXX have united to bring us “Back To...
KLAXX has quickly become a fan favorite here at TSS and for all the right reasons. The...
Everyone just wants to be happy, right? Well, KLAXX and Basko are looking to feel the same...
It looks like one of our favorite rising bass talents has struck again unleashing a freebie on...