Kidd Upstairs keeps coming with that fire! ‘So Far Away’ features Kidd throwing down a few of the realest and most lyrical verses I’ve heard this year while flawlessly flowing over this J. Cardim produced beat. Kidd speaks on his experience with college, females, getting lost in the music along the way and how even when you are so close to achieving your dreams they can still feel out of reach and far away.
This is one of the illest cuts we’ve heard from Kiddo to date and that’s saying a lot after KVSHMIR. 2014 is going to be a huge year for Kidd Upstairs and we can’t wait to hear more from the Top Floor artist. If you haven’t heard this yet you’re already late. Now go catch a vibe and slap this new Kidd Upstairs.
Kidd Upstairs – So Far Away
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